<divclass="command"title="Copy successfully, please paste it to the server installation">URL={$siteurl}/script/install_pro_en.sh && if [ -f /usr/bin/curl ];then curl -ksSO $URL ;else wget -O install_pro_en.sh $URL;fi;bash install_pro_en.sh</div>
<spanclass="ico-copy"title="Copy successfully, please paste it to the server installation"data-clipboard-text="URL={$siteurl}/script/install_pro_en.sh && if [ -f /usr/bin/curl ];then curl -ksSO $URL ;else wget -O install_pro_en.sh $URL;fi;bash install_pro_en.sh">复制</span>
<divclass="command"title="Copy successfully, please paste it to the server installation">URL={$siteurl}/install/install_7.0_en.sh && if [ -f /usr/bin/curl ];then curl -ksSO $URL ;else wget -O install_7.0_en.sh $URL;fi;bash install_7.0_en.sh</div>
<spanclass="ico-copy"title="Copy successfully, please paste it to the server installation"data-clipboard-text="URL={$siteurl}/install/install_7.0_en.sh && if [ -f /usr/bin/curl ];then curl -ksSO $URL ;else wget -O install_7.0_en.sh $URL;fi;bash install_7.0_en.sh">复制</span>