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namespace app\lib;
use Exception;
use ZipArchive;
class Plugins
private static function get_btapi($os){
return new ThirdPlugins($os);
return new BtPlugins($os);
private static function is_third($os){
if($os == 'en'){
$type = config_get('enbt_type');
}elseif($os == 'Windows'){
$type = config_get('wbt_type');
$type = config_get('bt_type');
return $type == 1;
public static function refresh_plugin_list($os = 'Linux'){
$btapi = self::get_btapi($os);
$result = $btapi->get_plugin_list();
self::save_plugin_list($result, $os);
private static function save_plugin_list($data, $os){
$data['ip'] = '';
if($os == 'en'){
$data['serverId'] = '';
$data['aln'] = self::get_aln();
$data['pro'] = 0;
$data['pro_authorization_sn'] = '0';
foreach($data['authorization_map'] as $code => &$plugin){
if($code != '0' && isset($plugin['end_time'])) $plugin['end_time'] = 0;
$data['expansions']['mail']['total'] = 2000000;
$data['expansions']['mail']['available'] = 2000000;
$data['serverid'] = '';
$data['aln'] = self::get_aln();
$data['beta'] = 0;
$data['uid'] = 1;
$data['skey'] = '';
$data['pro'] = -1;
$data['ltd'] = strtotime('+10 year');
foreach($data['list'] as &$plugin){
if(isset($plugin['endtime'])) $plugin['endtime'] = 0;
$json_file = get_data_dir($os).'config/plugin_list.json';
if(!file_put_contents($json_file, json_encode($data))){
throw new Exception('保存插件列表失败,文件无写入权限');
private static function get_aln($count = '9999'){
$key = 'FB8upo8XMgP5by54';
$iv = 'lOrrq3lNEURZNdK7';
return openssl_encrypt($count, 'aes-128-cbc', $key, 0, $iv);
public static function get_plugin_list($os = 'Linux'){
$json_file = get_data_dir($os).'config/plugin_list.json';
$data = file_get_contents($json_file);
$json_arr = json_decode($data, true);
return $json_arr;
return false;
public static function get_plugin_info($name, $os = 'Linux'){
$json_arr = self::get_plugin_list($os);
if(!$json_arr) return null;
foreach($json_arr['list'] as $plugin){
if($plugin['name'] == $name){
return $plugin;
return null;
public static function download_plugin($plugin_name, $version, $os = 'Linux'){
$plugin_info = Plugins::get_plugin_info($plugin_name, $os);
if(!$plugin_info) throw new Exception('未找到该插件信息');
$btapi = self::get_btapi($os);
$btapi->download_plugin($plugin_name, $version, $plugin_info);
public static function download_plugin_main($plugin_name, $version, $os = 'Linux'){
$btapi = self::get_btapi($os);
$btapi->download_plugin_main($plugin_name, $version);
public static function decode_plugin_main_local($main_filepath, $os = 'Linux'){
$btapi = new BtPlugins($os);
return $btapi->decode_plugin_main_local($main_filepath);
public static function decode_module_file($filepath){
$src = file_get_contents($filepath);
if($src===false)throw new Exception('文件打开失败');
if(!$src || strpos($src, 'import ')!==false)return 0;
$key = 'Z2B87NEAS2BkxTrh';
$iv = 'WwadH66EGWpeeTT6';
$data_arr = explode("\n", $src);
$de_text = '';
foreach($data_arr as $data){
$data = trim($data);
$tmp = openssl_decrypt($data, 'aes-128-cbc', $key, 0, $iv);
if($tmp !== false) $de_text .= $tmp;
if(!empty($de_text) && strpos($de_text, 'import ')!==false){
file_put_contents($filepath, $de_text);
return 1;
return 2;
public static function refresh_deplist($os = 'Linux'){
$btapi = self::get_btapi($os);
$result = $btapi->get_deplist();
$json_file = get_data_dir($os).'config/deployment_list.json';
if(!file_put_contents($json_file, json_encode($result))){
throw new Exception('保存一键部署列表失败,文件无写入权限');
public static function get_deplist($os = 'Linux'){
$json_file = get_data_dir($os).'config/deployment_list.json';
$data = file_get_contents($json_file);
$json_arr = json_decode($data, true);
return $json_arr;
return false;
public static function btwaf_getspiders(){
$result = cache('btwaf_getspiders');
return $result;
$btapi = self::get_btapi('Linux');
$result = $btapi->btwaf_getspiders();
cache('btwaf_getspiders', $result, 3600 * 24 * 3);
return $result;
public static function get_spider($type){
$result = cache('get_spider_'.$type);
return $result;
$url = ''.$type;
$data = get_curl($url);
$result = json_decode($data, true);
if(!$result) return [];
cache('get_spider_'.$type, $result, 3600 * 24);
return $result;
public static function btwaf_getmalicious(){
$btapi = self::get_btapi('Linux');
$result = $btapi->btwaf_getmalicious();
return $result;