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2 years ago
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2 years ago
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2 years ago
2 years ago
  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. #########################
  3. # 广东堡塔安全技术有限公司
  4. # author: 赤井秀一
  5. # mail:
  6. #########################
  7. PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:~/bin
  8. export PATH
  9. LANG=en_US.UTF-8
  10. Btapi_Url=''
  11. is64bit=$(getconf LONG_BIT)
  12. if [ "${is64bit}" != '64' ];then
  13. echo -e "\033[31m 抱歉, 堡塔云监控系统不支持32位系统, 请使用64位系统! \033[0m"
  14. exit 1
  15. fi
  16. S390X_CHECK=$(uname -a|grep s390x)
  17. if [ "${S390X_CHECK}" ];then
  18. echo -e "\033[31m 抱歉, 堡塔云监控系统不支持s390x架构进行安装,请使用x86_64服务器架构 \033[0m"
  19. exit 1
  20. fi
  21. is_aarch64=$(uname -a|grep aarch64)
  22. if [ "${is_aarch64}" != "" ];then
  23. echo -e "\033[31m 抱歉, 堡塔云监控系统暂不支持aarch64架构进行安装,请使用x86_64服务器架构 \033[0m"
  24. exit 1
  25. fi
  26. Command_Exists() {
  27. command -v "$@" >/dev/null 2>&1
  28. }
  29. GetSysInfo(){
  30. if [ -s "/etc/redhat-release" ];then
  31. SYS_VERSION=$(cat /etc/redhat-release)
  32. elif [ -s "/etc/issue" ]; then
  33. SYS_VERSION=$(cat /etc/issue)
  34. fi
  35. SYS_INFO=$(uname -a)
  36. SYS_BIT=$(getconf LONG_BIT)
  37. MEM_TOTAL=$(free -m|grep Mem|awk '{print $2}')
  39. echo -e ${SYS_VERSION}
  40. echo -e Bit:${SYS_BIT} Mem:${MEM_TOTAL}M Core:${CPU_INFO}
  41. echo -e ${SYS_INFO}
  42. echo -e "请截图以上报错信息发帖至论坛求助"
  43. }
  44. Red_Error(){
  45. echo '=================================================';
  46. printf '\033[1;31;40m%b\033[0m\n' "$@";
  47. GetSysInfo
  48. exit 1;
  49. }
  50. monitor_path="/www/server/bt-monitor"
  51. run_bin="/www/server/bt-monitor/BT-MONITOR"
  52. if [ ! -d "/www/server" ];then
  53. mkdir -p /www/server
  54. fi
  55. old_dir="/www/server/old_btmonitor"
  56. cd ~
  57. setup_path="/www"
  58. python_bin=$setup_path/server/bt-monitor/pyenv/bin/python
  59. cpu_cpunt=$(cat /proc/cpuinfo|grep processor|wc -l)
  60. get_node_url(){
  61. if [ ! -f /bin/curl ];then
  62. if [ "${PM}" = "yum" ]; then
  63. yum install curl -y
  64. elif [ "${PM}" = "apt-get" ]; then
  65. apt-get install curl -y
  66. fi
  67. fi
  68. if [ -f "/www/" ];then
  69. download_Url=$(cat /www/
  70. echo "Download node: $download_Url";
  71. echo '---------------------------------------------';
  72. return
  73. fi
  74. echo '---------------------------------------------';
  75. echo "Selected download node...";
  76. # nodes=(;
  77. #nodes=(;
  78. nodes=(;
  79. tmp_file1=/dev/shm/
  80. tmp_file2=/dev/shm/
  81. [ -f "${tmp_file1}" ] && rm -f ${tmp_file1}
  82. [ -f "${tmp_file2}" ] && rm -f ${tmp_file2}
  83. touch $tmp_file1
  84. touch $tmp_file2
  85. for node in ${nodes[@]};
  86. do
  87. NODE_CHECK=$(curl --connect-timeout 3 -m 3 2>/dev/null -w "%{http_code} %{time_total}" ${node}/net_test|xargs)
  88. RES=$(echo ${NODE_CHECK}|awk '{print $1}')
  89. NODE_STATUS=$(echo ${NODE_CHECK}|awk '{print $2}')
  90. TIME_TOTAL=$(echo ${NODE_CHECK}|awk '{print $3 * 1000 - 500 }'|cut -d '.' -f 1)
  91. if [ "${NODE_STATUS}" == "200" ];then
  92. if [ $TIME_TOTAL -lt 100 ];then
  93. if [ $RES -ge 1500 ];then
  94. echo "$RES $node" >> $tmp_file1
  95. fi
  96. else
  97. if [ $RES -ge 1500 ];then
  98. echo "$TIME_TOTAL $node" >> $tmp_file2
  99. fi
  100. fi
  101. i=$(($i+1))
  102. if [ $TIME_TOTAL -lt 100 ];then
  103. if [ $RES -ge 3000 ];then
  104. break;
  105. fi
  106. fi
  107. fi
  108. done
  109. NODE_URL=$(cat $tmp_file1|sort -r -g -t " " -k 1|head -n 1|awk '{print $2}')
  110. if [ -z "$NODE_URL" ];then
  111. NODE_URL=$(cat $tmp_file2|sort -g -t " " -k 1|head -n 1|awk '{print $2}')
  112. if [ -z "$NODE_URL" ];then
  113. NODE_URL='';
  114. fi
  115. fi
  116. rm -f $tmp_file1
  117. rm -f $tmp_file2
  118. download_Url=$NODE_URL
  119. echo "Download node: $download_Url";
  120. echo '---------------------------------------------';
  121. }
  122. Get_Versions(){
  123. redhat_version_file="/etc/redhat-release"
  124. deb_version_file="/etc/issue"
  125. if [ -f $redhat_version_file ];then
  126. os_type='el'
  127. is_aliyunos=$(cat $redhat_version_file|grep Aliyun)
  128. if [ "$is_aliyunos" != "" ];then
  129. return
  130. fi
  131. os_version=$(cat $redhat_version_file|grep CentOS|grep -Eo '([0-9]+\.)+[0-9]+'|grep -Eo '^[0-9]')
  132. if [ "${os_version}" = "5" ];then
  133. os_version=""
  134. fi
  135. if [ -z "${os_version}" ];then
  136. os_version=$(cat /etc/redhat-release |grep Stream|grep -oE 8)
  137. fi
  138. else
  139. os_type='ubuntu'
  140. os_version=$(cat $deb_version_file|grep Ubuntu|grep -Eo '([0-9]+\.)+[0-9]+'|grep -Eo '^[0-9]+')
  141. if [ "${os_version}" = "" ];then
  142. os_type='debian'
  143. os_version=$(cat $deb_version_file|grep Debian|grep -Eo '([0-9]+\.)+[0-9]+'|grep -Eo '[0-9]+')
  144. if [ "${os_version}" = "" ];then
  145. os_version=$(cat $deb_version_file|grep Debian|grep -Eo '[0-9]+')
  146. fi
  147. if [ "${os_version}" = "8" ];then
  148. os_version=""
  149. fi
  150. if [ "${is64bit}" = '32' ];then
  151. os_version=""
  152. fi
  153. else
  154. if [ "$os_version" = "14" ];then
  155. os_version=""
  156. fi
  157. if [ "$os_version" = "12" ];then
  158. os_version=""
  159. fi
  160. if [ "$os_version" = "19" ];then
  161. os_version=""
  162. fi
  163. if [ "$os_version" = "21" ];then
  164. os_version=""
  165. fi
  166. if [ "$os_version" = "20" ];then
  167. os_version2004=$(cat /etc/issue|grep 20.04)
  168. if [ -z "${os_version2004}" ];then
  169. os_version=""
  170. fi
  171. fi
  172. fi
  173. fi
  174. }
  175. Install_Python_Lib(){
  176. curl -Ss --connect-timeout 3 -m 60 $download_Url/install/|bash
  177. pyenv_path="/www/server/bt-monitor"
  178. if [ -f $pyenv_path/pyenv/bin/python ];then
  179. is_ssl=$($python_bin -c "import ssl" 2>&1|grep cannot)
  180. $pyenv_path/pyenv/bin/python3.7 -V
  181. if [ $? -eq 0 ] && [ -z "${is_ssl}" ];then
  182. chmod -R 700 $pyenv_path/pyenv/bin
  183. is_package=$($python_bin -m psutil 2>&1|grep package)
  184. if [ "$is_package" = "" ];then
  185. wget -O $pyenv_path/pyenv/pip.txt $download_Url/install/pyenv/pip.txt -t 5 -T 10
  186. $pyenv_path/pyenv/bin/pip install -U pip
  187. $pyenv_path/pyenv/bin/pip install -U setuptools
  188. $pyenv_path/pyenv/bin/pip install -r $pyenv_path/pyenv/pip.txt
  189. $pyenv_path/pyenv/bin/pip install -U flask==2.2.0
  190. $pyenv_path/pyenv/bin/pip install flask_sock
  191. $pyenv_path/pyenv/bin/pip install cachelib
  192. $pyenv_path/pyenv/bin/pip install py7zr
  193. $pyenv_path/pyenv/bin/pip install backports.lzma
  194. $pyenv_path/pyenv/bin/pip install pandas
  195. $pyenv_path/pyenv/bin/pip install msgpack
  196. $pyenv_path/pyenv/bin/pip install simple-websocket==0.10.0
  197. fi
  198. source $pyenv_path/pyenv/bin/activate
  199. chmod -R 700 $pyenv_path/pyenv/bin
  200. return
  201. else
  202. rm -rf $pyenv_path/pyenv
  203. fi
  204. fi
  205. py_version="3.7.9"
  206. if [ ! -d "$pyenv_path" ]; then
  207. mkdir -p $pyenv_path
  208. fi
  209. echo "True" > /www/
  210. if [ ! -w /www/ ];then
  211. Red_Error "ERROR: Install python env fielded." "ERROR: /www目录无法写入,请检查目录/用户/磁盘权限!"
  212. fi
  213. os_type='el'
  214. os_version='7'
  215. is_export_openssl=0
  216. Get_Versions
  217. echo "OS: $os_type - $os_version"
  218. is_aarch64=$(uname -a|grep aarch64)
  219. if [ "$is_aarch64" != "" ];then
  220. is64bit="aarch64"
  221. fi
  222. if [ -f "/www/server/bt-monitor/" ];then
  223. os_version=""
  224. rm -f /www/server/bt-monitor/
  225. fi
  226. if [[ $os_type =~ "debian" ]] || [[ $os_type =~ "ubuntu" ]]; then
  227. isbtm="-btm"
  228. fi
  229. if [ "${os_version}" != "" ];then
  230. pyenv_file="/www/pyenv.tar.gz"
  231. wget -O $pyenv_file $download_Url/install/pyenv/pyenv-${os_type}${os_version}-x${is64bit}${isbtm}.tar.gz -t 5 -T 10
  232. tmp_size=$(du -b $pyenv_file|awk '{print $1}')
  233. if [ $tmp_size -lt 703460 ];then
  234. rm -f $pyenv_file
  235. echo "ERROR: Download python env fielded."
  236. else
  237. echo "Install python env..."
  238. tar zxvf $pyenv_file -C $pyenv_path/ > /dev/null
  239. chmod -R 700 $pyenv_path/pyenv/bin
  240. rm -rf $pyenv_path/pyenv/bin/python
  241. ln -sf $pyenv_path/pyenv/bin/python3.7 $pyenv_path/pyenv/bin/python
  242. $pyenv_path/pyenv/bin/python -m pip install --upgrade --force-reinstall pip
  243. $pyenv_path/pyenv/bin/pip install -U flask==2.2.0
  244. $pyenv_path/pyenv/bin/pip install flask_sock
  245. $pyenv_path/pyenv/bin/pip install cachelib
  246. $pyenv_path/pyenv/bin/pip install py7zr
  247. $pyenv_path/pyenv/bin/pip install backports.lzma
  248. $pyenv_path/pyenv/bin/pip install pandas
  249. $pyenv_path/pyenv/bin/pip install msgpack
  250. $pyenv_path/pyenv/bin/pip install simple-websocket==0.10.0
  251. if [ ! -f $pyenv_path/pyenv/bin/python ];then
  252. rm -f $pyenv_file
  253. Red_Error "ERROR: Install python env fielded." "ERROR: 下载堡塔云监控主控端运行环境失败,请尝试重新安装!"
  254. fi
  255. $pyenv_path/pyenv/bin/python3.7 -V
  256. if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
  257. rm -f $pyenv_file
  258. ln -sf $pyenv_path/pyenv/bin/pip3.7 /usr/bin/btmpip
  259. ln -sf $pyenv_path/pyenv/bin/python3.7 /usr/bin/btmpython
  260. source $pyenv_path/pyenv/bin/activate
  261. return
  262. else
  263. rm -f $pyenv_file
  264. rm -rf $pyenv_path/pyenv
  265. fi
  266. fi
  267. fi
  268. cd /www
  269. python_src='/www/python_src.tar.xz'
  270. python_src_path="/www/Python-${py_version}"
  271. wget -O $python_src $download_Url/src/Python-${py_version}.tar.xz -t 5 -T 10
  272. tmp_size=$(du -b $python_src|awk '{print $1}')
  273. if [ $tmp_size -lt 10703460 ];then
  274. rm -f $python_src
  275. Red_Error "ERROR: Download python source code fielded." "ERROR: 下载堡塔云监控主控端运行环境失败,请尝试重新安装!"
  276. fi
  277. tar xvf $python_src
  278. rm -f $python_src
  279. cd $python_src_path
  280. ./configure --prefix=$pyenv_path/pyenv
  281. make -j$cpu_cpunt
  282. make install
  283. if [ ! -f $pyenv_path/pyenv/bin/python3.7 ];then
  284. rm -rf $python_src_path
  285. Red_Error "ERROR: Make python env fielded." "ERROR: 编译堡塔云监控主控端运行环境失败!"
  286. fi
  287. cd ~
  288. rm -rf $python_src_path
  289. wget -O $pyenv_path/pyenv/bin/activate $download_Url/install/pyenv/activate.panel -t 5 -T 10
  290. wget -O $pyenv_path/pyenv/pip.txt $download_Url/install/pyenv/pip-3.7.8.txt -t 5 -T 10
  291. ln -sf $pyenv_path/pyenv/bin/pip3.7 $pyenv_path/pyenv/bin/pip
  292. ln -sf $pyenv_path/pyenv/bin/python3.7 $pyenv_path/pyenv/bin/python
  293. ln -sf $pyenv_path/pyenv/bin/pip3.7 /usr/bin/btmpip
  294. ln -sf $pyenv_path/pyenv/bin/python3.7 /usr/bin/btmpython
  295. chmod -R 700 $pyenv_path/pyenv/bin
  296. $pyenv_path/pyenv/bin/pip install -U pip
  297. $pyenv_path/pyenv/bin/pip install -U setuptools
  298. $pyenv_path/pyenv/bin/pip install -U wheel==0.34.2
  299. $pyenv_path/pyenv/bin/pip install -r $pyenv_path/pyenv/pip.txt
  300. $pyenv_path/pyenv/bin/pip install -U flask==2.2.0
  301. $pyenv_path/pyenv/bin/pip install flask_sock
  302. $pyenv_path/pyenv/bin/pip install cachelib
  303. $pyenv_path/pyenv/bin/pip install py7zr
  304. $pyenv_path/pyenv/bin/pip install backports.lzma
  305. $pyenv_path/pyenv/bin/pip install pandas
  306. $pyenv_path/pyenv/bin/pip install msgpack
  307. $pyenv_path/pyenv/bin/pip install simple-websocket==0.10.0
  308. source $pyenv_path/pyenv/bin/activate
  309. is_gevent=$($python_bin -m gevent 2>&1|grep -oE package)
  310. is_psutil=$($python_bin -m psutil 2>&1|grep -oE package)
  311. if [ "${is_gevent}" != "${is_psutil}" ];then
  312. Red_Error "ERROR: psutil/gevent install failed!"
  313. fi
  314. }
  315. Install_Monitor(){
  316. ulimit -n 1000001
  317. tee -a /etc/security/limits.conf << EOF
  318. * hard nofile 1000001
  319. * soft nofile 1000001
  320. root hard nofile 1000001
  321. root soft nofile 1000001
  322. EOF
  323. sysctl -p
  324. panelPort="806"
  325. if [ ! -d "/etc/init.d" ];then
  326. mkdir -p /etc/init.d
  327. fi
  328. if [ -f "/etc/init.d/btm" ]; then
  329. /etc/init.d/btm stop
  330. sleep 1
  331. fi
  332. if [ -f "/www/server/bt-monitor/" ]; then
  333. chmod +x /www/server/bt-monitor/
  334. /www/server/bt-monitor/ stop
  335. sleep 1
  336. fi
  337. version="2.1.7"
  338. file_name="bt-monitor"
  339. agent_src=""
  340. cd ~
  341. version=`curl -sf ${Btapi_Url}/bt_monitor/latest_version |awk -F '\"version\"' '{print $2}'|awk -F ':' '{print $2}'|awk -F '"' '{print $2}'`
  342. if [ -z $version ]; then
  343. version="2.0.6"
  344. fi
  345. if [ "$re_install" == "1" ]; then
  346. new_dir="/www/server/new_btmonitor"
  347. if [ ! -d "$new_dir" ];then
  348. mkdir -p $new_dir
  349. fi
  350. wget -O $agent_src ${Btapi_Url}/install/src/$file_name-$ -t 5 -T 10
  351. unzip -o $agent_src -d $new_dir/ > /dev/null
  352. if [ ! -f $new_dir/BT-MONITOR ];then
  353. ls -lh $agent_src
  354. Red_Error "ERROR: Failed to download, please try install again!" "ERROR: 下载堡塔云监控主控端失败,请尝试重新安装!"
  355. fi
  356. rm -rf $new_dir/config
  357. rm -rf $new_dir/data
  358. rm -rf $new_dir/ssl
  359. \cp -r $new_dir/* $monitor_path/
  360. rm -rf $new_dir
  361. else
  362. wget -O $agent_src ${Btapi_Url}/install/src/$file_name-$ -t 5 -T 10
  363. if [ ! -d "$monitor_path" ]; then
  364. mkdir -p $monitor_path
  365. fi
  366. unzip -o $agent_src -d $monitor_path/ > /dev/null
  367. if [ ! -f $run_bin ];then
  368. ls -lh $agent_src
  369. Red_Error "ERROR: Failed to download, please try install again!" "ERROR: 下载堡塔云监控主控端失败,请尝试重新安装!"
  370. fi
  371. fi
  372. rm -rf $agent_src
  373. chmod +x $monitor_path/BT-MONITOR
  374. chmod +x $monitor_path/
  375. wget -O /etc/init.d/btm ${download_Url}/init/btmonitor.init -t 5 -T 10
  376. tmp_size=$(du -b "/etc/init.d/btm"|awk '{print $1}')
  377. if [ ${tmp_size} == 0 ]; then
  378. \cp -r $monitor_path/ /etc/init.d/btm
  379. fi
  380. if [ ! -f "/etc/init.d/btm" ];then
  381. \cp -r $monitor_path/ /etc/init.d/btm
  382. fi
  383. chmod +x /etc/init.d/btm
  384. ln -sf /etc/init.d/btm /usr/bin/btm
  385. if [ ! -f $monitor_path/data/user.json ]; then
  386. echo "{\"uid\":1,\"username\":\"Administrator\",\"ip\":\"\",\"server_id\":\"1\",\"access_key\":\"test\",\"secret_key\":\"123456\"}" > $monitor_path/data/user.json
  387. fi
  388. if [ -f $monitor_path/core/include/c_loader/ ]; then
  389. rm -f $monitor_path/core/include/c_loader/
  390. fi
  391. if [ -f $monitor_path/sqlite_server/ ]; then
  392. rm -f $monitor_path/sqlite_server/
  393. fi
  394. }
  395. Start_Monitor(){
  396. /etc/init.d/btm start
  397. if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
  398. #echo "堡塔云监控主控端启动失败!"
  399. tail $monitor_path/logs/error.log
  400. Red_Error "堡塔云监控主控端启动失败!"
  401. fi
  402. echo "正在初始化云监控主控端..."
  403. if [ "$re_install" == "1" ] || [ "$re_install" == "2" ]; then
  404. user_pass=`$setup_path/server/bt-monitor/ reset_pwd`
  405. password=`echo $user_pass |awk '{print $3}'`
  406. else
  407. user_pass=`$monitor_path/ create_admin`
  408. password=`echo $user_pass |awk -F " " '{print $5}'`
  409. for ((i=1; i<=5; i++));do
  410. if [ -z "$password" ]; then
  411. sleep 7
  412. user_pass=`$monitor_path/ create_admin`
  413. password=`echo $user_pass |awk -F " " '{print $5}'`
  414. else
  415. i=5
  416. fi
  417. done
  418. fi
  419. if [[ "$password" == "" ]];then
  420. Red_Error "ERROR: 初始化云监控主控端失败,请尝试重新安装!"
  421. fi
  422. c_path=$(cat /www/server/bt-monitor/config/config.json |awk -F '\"admin_path\"' '{print $2}'|awk -F ":" '{print $2}'|awk -F '"' '{print $2}')
  423. adminpath=$(echo $c_path|awk -F ',' '{print $1}')
  424. if [ -d "/usr/bin/btmonitoragent" ];then
  425. rm -rf /usr/bin/btmonitoragent
  426. fi
  427. date_f=`date '+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S'`
  428. md5_pl=`echo $date_f | md5sum | head -c 32`
  429. token_pl=`cat $monitor_path/config/ 2>&1`
  430. if [ "$token_pl" == ' ' ] || [ ! -f $monitor_path/config/ ]; then
  431. echo "$md5_pl" > $monitor_path/config/
  432. fi
  433. echo "正在给本机安装云监控被控端,请等待..."
  434. sleep 15
  435. curl -sSO ${download_Url}/install/ && bash $md5_pl
  436. target_dir="/usr/local/btmonitoragent"
  437. if [ ! -f "$target_dir/BT-MonitorAgent" ];then
  438. tail -n 10 ${monitor_path}/logs/error.log
  439. echo ""
  440. ps aux|grep -v grep|grep ${monitor_path}
  441. netstat -tulnp|grep ${panelPort}
  442. /etc/init.d/btm restart
  443. if [ "$?" -eq 0 ]; then
  444. echo -e "\033[31m安装云监控被控端失败,正在尝试重新安装!\033[0m"
  445. sleep 15
  446. curl -sSO ${download_Url}/install/ && bash $md5_pl
  447. if [ ! -f "$target_dir/BT-MonitorAgent" ];then
  448. Red_Error "ERROR: 安装云监控被控端失败,请尝试重新安装!"
  449. fi
  450. else
  451. Red_Error "ERROR: 安装云监控被控端失败,请尝试重新安装!"
  452. fi
  453. fi
  454. /etc/init.d/btm restart > /dev/null 2>&1
  455. }
  456. Set_Firewall(){
  457. sshPort=$(cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config | grep 'Port '|awk '{print $2}')
  458. if [ "${PM}" = "apt-get" ]; then
  459. apt-get install -y ufw
  460. if [ -f "/usr/sbin/ufw" ];then
  461. ufw allow 22/tcp
  462. ufw allow ${panelPort}/tcp
  463. ufw allow ${sshPort}/tcp
  464. ufw_status=`ufw status`
  465. echo y|ufw enable
  466. ufw default deny
  467. ufw reload
  468. fi
  469. else
  470. if [ -f "/etc/init.d/iptables" ];then
  471. iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
  472. iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport ${panelPort} -j ACCEPT
  473. iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport ${sshPort} -j ACCEPT
  474. iptables -A INPUT -p icmp --icmp-type any -j ACCEPT
  475. iptables -A INPUT -s localhost -d localhost -j ACCEPT
  476. iptables -A INPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
  477. iptables -P INPUT DROP
  478. service iptables save
  479. sed -i "s#IPTABLES_MODULES=\"\"#IPTABLES_MODULES=\"ip_conntrack_netbios_ns ip_conntrack_ftp ip_nat_ftp\"#" /etc/sysconfig/iptables-config
  480. iptables_status=$(service iptables status | grep 'not running')
  481. if [ "${iptables_status}" == '' ];then
  482. service iptables restart
  483. fi
  484. else
  485. AliyunCheck=$(cat /etc/redhat-release|grep "Aliyun Linux")
  486. [ "${AliyunCheck}" ] && return
  487. yum install firewalld -y
  488. [ "${Centos8Check}" ] && yum reinstall python3-six -y
  489. systemctl enable firewalld
  490. systemctl start firewalld
  491. firewall-cmd --set-default-zone=public > /dev/null 2>&1
  492. firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=22/tcp > /dev/null 2>&1
  493. firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=${panelPort}/tcp > /dev/null 2>&1
  494. firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=${sshPort}/tcp > /dev/null 2>&1
  495. firewall-cmd --reload
  496. fi
  497. fi
  498. }
  499. Service_Add(){
  500. if [ $Command_Exists systemctl ]; then
  501. wget -O /usr/lib/systemd/system/btm.service ${download_Url}/init/systemd/btmonitor.service -t 5 -T 10
  502. systemctl daemon-reload
  503. systemctl enable btm
  504. else
  505. if [ "${PM}" == "yum" ] || [ "${PM}" == "dnf" ]; then
  506. chkconfig --add btm
  507. chkconfig --level 2345 btm on
  508. elif [ "${PM}" == "apt-get" ]; then
  509. update-rc.d btm defaults
  510. fi
  511. fi
  512. }
  513. Service_Del(){
  514. if [ $Command_Exists systemctl ]; then
  515. rm -rf /usr/lib/systemd/system/btm.service
  516. systemctl disable btm
  517. else
  518. if [ "${PM}" == "yum" ] || [ "${PM}" == "dnf" ]; then
  519. chkconfig --del btm
  520. chkconfig --level 2345 btm off
  521. elif [ "${PM}" == "apt-get" ]; then
  522. update-rc.d btm remove
  523. fi
  524. fi
  525. }
  526. Get_Ip_Address(){
  527. getIpAddress=""
  528. getIpAddress=$(curl -sS --connect-timeout 10 -m 60
  529. if [ -z "${getIpAddress}" ] || [ "${getIpAddress}" = "" ]; then
  530. isHosts=$(cat /etc/hosts|grep '')
  531. if [ -z "${isHosts}" ];then
  532. echo "" >> /etc/hosts
  533. echo "" >> /etc/hosts
  534. getIpAddress=$(curl -sS --connect-timeout 10 -m 60
  535. if [ -z "${getIpAddress}" ];then
  536. sed -i "/" /etc/hosts
  537. fi
  538. fi
  539. fi
  540. ipv4Check=$($python_bin -c "import re; print(re.match('^(?:[0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}$','${getIpAddress}'))")
  541. if [ "${ipv4Check}" == "None" ];then
  542. ipv6Address=$(echo ${getIpAddress}|tr -d "[]")
  543. ipv6Check=$($python_bin -c "import re; print(re.match('^([0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}:){1,7}[0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}$','${ipv6Address}'))")
  544. if [ "${ipv6Check}" == "None" ]; then
  545. getIpAddress="SERVER_IP"
  546. else
  547. echo "True" > ${setup_path}/server/bt-monitor/data/
  548. sleep 1
  549. /etc/init.d/btm restart
  550. fi
  551. fi
  552. if [ "${getIpAddress}" != "SERVER_IP" ];then
  553. echo "${getIpAddress}" > ${setup_path}/server/bt-monitor/data/iplist.txt
  554. fi
  555. LOCAL_IP=$(ip addr | grep -E -o '[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}' | grep -E -v "^127\.|^255\.|^0\." | head -n 1)
  556. }
  557. System_Check(){
  558. if [ -f "$monitor_path/BT-MONITOR" ] || [ -f "$monitor_path/" ] || [ -f "/etc/init.d/btm" ];then
  559. Install_Check
  560. elif [ -d "$old_dir" ];then
  561. Rev_Install_Check
  562. fi
  563. }
  564. Install_Check(){
  565. echo -e "----------------------------------------------------"
  566. echo -e "检测到已存在堡塔云监控系统,请按照选项选择安装方式!"
  567. echo -e "1) 覆盖安装:保存原有监控配置及数据并安装堡塔云监控"
  568. echo -e "\033[33m2) 全新安装:清空原有监控配置及数据并安装堡塔云监控\033[0m"
  569. echo -e "----------------------------------------------------"
  570. read -p "请输入对应选项[1|2]进行安装或输入任意内容退出安装: " yes;
  571. if [ "$yes" == "1" ]; then
  572. re_install="1"
  573. echo "即将卸载并重装本机的堡塔云监控被控端..."
  574. Uninstall_agent
  575. elif [ "$yes" == "2" ]; then
  576. Backup_Monitor
  577. echo "即将卸载并重装本机的堡塔云监控被控端..."
  578. Uninstall_agent
  579. else
  580. echo -e "------------"
  581. echo "取消安装"
  582. exit;
  583. fi
  584. }
  585. Rev_Install_Check(){
  586. echo -e "----------------------------------------------------"
  587. echo -e "\033[33m检测到上一次卸载云监控时保留的旧数据,请按照选项选择安装方式!\033[0m"
  588. echo -e "1) 还原以前的备份并安装堡塔云监控系统!"
  589. echo -e "2) 不使用原有备份,全新安装堡塔云监控系统!"
  590. echo -e "----------------------------------------------------"
  591. read -p "请输入对应选项[1|2]进行安装或输入任意内容退出安装: " yes;
  592. if [ "$yes" == "1" ]; then
  593. re_install="2"
  594. echo "开始安装堡塔云监控系统并还原数据..."
  595. elif [ "$yes" == "2" ]; then
  596. echo "开始全新安装堡塔云监控系统..."
  597. else
  598. echo -e "------------"
  599. echo "取消安装"
  600. exit;
  601. fi
  602. }
  603. Backup_Monitor(){
  604. if [ -f "/etc/init.d/btm" ]; then
  605. /etc/init.d/btm stop
  606. sleep 1
  607. fi
  608. if [ ! -d "${old_dir}" ];then
  609. mkdir -p ${old_dir}
  610. else
  611. mv ${old_dir} ${old_dir}_$(date +%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S)
  612. mkdir -p ${old_dir}
  613. fi
  614. mv ${monitor_path}/data ${old_dir}/data
  615. mv ${monitor_path}/config ${old_dir}/config
  616. mv ${monitor_path}/ssl ${old_dir}/ssl
  617. }
  618. Reinstall_Monitor(){
  619. rm -rf $monitor_path/data
  620. rm -rf $monitor_path/config
  621. rm -rf $monitor_path/ssl
  622. mv $old_dir/data $monitor_path/data
  623. mv $old_dir/config $monitor_path/config
  624. mv $old_dir/ssl $monitor_path/ssl
  625. rm -rf $old_dir
  626. }
  627. Get_Pack_Manager(){
  628. if [ -f "/usr/bin/yum" ] && [ -d "/etc/yum.repos.d" ]; then
  629. PM="yum"
  630. elif [ -f "/usr/bin/apt-get" ] && [ -f "/usr/bin/dpkg" ]; then
  631. PM="apt-get"
  632. fi
  633. }
  634. Install_RPM_Pack(){
  635. yumPacks="wget curl unzip gcc gcc-c++ make libcurl-devel openssl-devel xz-devel python-backports-lzma xz crontabs zlib zlib-devel sqlite-devel libffi-devel bzip2-devel lsof net-tools"
  636. yum install -y ${yumPacks}
  637. for yumPack in ${yumPacks}
  638. do
  639. rpmPack=$(rpm -q ${yumPack})
  640. packCheck=$(echo ${rpmPack}|grep not)
  641. if [ "${packCheck}" ]; then
  642. yum install ${yumPack} -y
  643. fi
  644. done
  645. }
  646. Install_Deb_Pack(){
  647. debPacks="wget curl unzip gcc g++ make cron libcurl4-openssl-dev libssl-dev liblzma-dev xz-utils libffi-dev libbz2-dev libsqlite3-dev libreadline-dev libgdbm-dev python3-bsddb3 tk-dev ncurses-dev uuid-dev zlib1g zlib1g-dev lsof net-tools";
  648. apt-get update -y
  649. apt-get install -y $debPacks --force-yes
  650. for debPack in ${debPacks}
  651. do
  652. packCheck=$(dpkg -l ${debPack})
  653. if [ "$?" -ne "0" ] ;then
  654. apt-get install -y $debPack
  655. fi
  656. done
  657. }
  658. Check_Sys_Write(){
  659. echo "正在检测系统关键目录是否可写"
  660. if [ ! -d "/etc/init.d" ];then
  661. mkdir -p /etc/init.d
  662. fi
  663. if [ -f /usr/bin/which ];then
  664. Get_Pack_Manager
  665. if [ "$PM" == "yum" ]; then
  666. read_dir="/usr/lib/systemd/system/ /etc/init.d/ /var/spool/cron/"
  667. else
  668. read_dir="/usr/lib/systemd/system/ /etc/init.d/ /var/spool/cron/crontabs/"
  669. fi
  670. for dir in ${read_dir[@]}
  671. do
  672. if [[ -d "$dir" ]]; then
  673. touch $dir/
  674. state=$(echo $?)
  675. if [[ "$state" != "0" ]];then
  676. echo -e "\033[31m错误:检测到系统关键目录不可写! $read_dir \033[0m"
  677. echo "1、如果安装了[宝塔系统加固],请先临时关闭"
  678. echo "2、如果安装了云锁,请临时关闭[系统加固]功能"
  679. echo "3、如果安装了安全狗,请临时关闭[系统防护]功能"
  680. echo "4、如果使用了其它安全软件,请先卸载 "
  681. echo -e "5、如果使用了禁止写入命令,请执行命令取消禁止写入:\n chattr -iaR $read_dir "
  682. echo ""
  683. echo -e "\033[31m解决以上问题后,请尝试重新安装! \033[0m"
  684. echo -e "如果无法解决请截图以上报错信息发帖至论坛求助"
  685. exit 1
  686. else
  687. rm -f $dir/
  688. fi
  689. fi
  690. done
  691. fi
  692. }
  693. Check_Sys_Packs(){
  694. echo "正在检查系统中是否存在必备的依赖包"
  695. Packs="wget curl unzip gcc make"
  696. for pack in ${Packs[@]}
  697. do
  698. check_pack=$(which $pack)
  699. #echo $check_pack
  700. if [[ "$check_pack" == "" ]]; then
  701. echo -e "\033[31mERROR: $pack 命令不存在,尝试以下解决方法:\033[0m"
  702. if [ "$PM" == "yum" ]; then
  703. echo 1、使用命令重新安装依赖包:yum reinstall -y ${Packs}
  704. else
  705. echo 1、使用命令重新安装依赖包:apt-get reinstall -y ${Packs}
  706. fi
  707. echo -e "2、检查系统源是否可用?尝试更换可用的源参考教程:\n "
  708. echo ""
  709. echo -e "\033[31m解决以上问题后,请尝试重新安装! \033[0m"
  710. echo -e "如果无法解决请截图以上报错信息发帖至论坛求助"
  711. exit 1
  712. fi
  713. done
  714. }
  715. Install_Main(){
  716. startTime=`date +%s`
  717. Check_Sys_Write
  718. System_Check
  719. Get_Pack_Manager
  720. get_node_url
  721. if [ "$PM" == "yum" ]; then
  722. Install_RPM_Pack
  723. else
  724. Install_Deb_Pack
  725. fi
  726. Check_Sys_Packs
  727. Install_Python_Lib
  728. Install_Monitor
  729. Set_Firewall
  730. Get_Ip_Address
  731. Service_Add
  732. if [ "$re_install" == "2" ]; then
  733. Reinstall_Monitor
  734. fi
  735. Start_Monitor
  736. }
  737. Uninstall_Monitor(){
  738. pkill BT-MONITOR
  739. /etc/init.d/btm stop
  740. if [ -f "/www/server/bt-monitor/" ]; then
  741. chmod +x /www/server/bt-monitor/
  742. /www/server/bt-monitor/ stop
  743. sleep 1
  744. fi
  745. Service_Del
  746. rm -rf $monitor_path
  747. rm -rf /usr/bin/btm
  748. rm -rf /etc/init.d/btm
  749. echo -e "堡塔云监控主控端卸载成功!"
  750. }
  751. Uninstall_agent(){
  752. get_node_url
  753. if [ -f "/tmp/" ];then
  754. rm -rf /tmp/
  755. fi
  756. curl -o /tmp/ -sSO ${download_Url}/install/ && bash /tmp/ uninstall
  757. }
  758. action="${1}"
  759. if [ "$action" == "uninstall" ];then
  760. echo -e "----------------------------------------------------"
  761. echo -e "\033[33m检测到您正在卸载堡塔云监控系统,请按照选项选择卸载方式!\033[0m"
  762. echo -e "1) 备份数据后卸载:保存原有监控配置及数据并卸载堡塔云监控系统"
  763. echo -e "2) 完全卸载:清空原有监控配置及数据并卸载堡塔云监控系统"
  764. echo -e "----------------------------------------------------"
  765. read -p "请输入对应选项[1|2]进行卸载或输入任意内容退出卸载: " yes;
  766. if [ "$yes" == "1" ]; then
  767. Backup_Monitor
  768. echo -e "----------------------------------------------------"
  769. echo -e "\033[33m已备份原有监控数据至: ${old_dir}\033[0m"
  770. elif [ "$yes" == "2" ]; then
  771. echo "正在清空堡塔云监控系统数据..."
  772. else
  773. echo -e "------------"
  774. echo "取消卸载"
  775. exit;
  776. fi
  777. Uninstall_agent
  778. Uninstall_Monitor
  779. exit 0
  780. else
  781. echo "
  782. +----------------------------------------------------------------------
  783. | Bt-Monitor FOR CentOS/Ubuntu/Debian
  784. +----------------------------------------------------------------------
  785. | Copyright © 2015-2099 BT-SOFT( All rights reserved.
  786. +----------------------------------------------------------------------
  787. | The Monitor URL will be https://SERVER_IP:806 when installed.
  788. +----------------------------------------------------------------------
  789. "
  790. while [ "$go" != 'y' ] && [ "$go" != 'n' ]
  791. do
  792. read -p "Do you want to install Bt-Monitor to the $setup_path directory now?(y/n): " go;
  793. done
  794. if [ "$go" == 'n' ];then
  795. exit;
  796. fi
  797. Install_Main
  798. #curl -o /dev/null -fsSL --connect-time 10 "$md5_pl&src_code=$1"
  799. #curl -o /dev/null -fsSL --connect-time 10 "$md5_pl&src_code=$1&status=1"
  800. fi
  801. echo -e "=================================================================="
  802. echo -e "\033[32m堡塔云监控主控端安装完成! Installed successfully!\033[0m"
  803. echo -e "=================================================================="
  804. echo "外网访问地址: https://${getIpAddress}:${panelPort}${adminpath}"
  805. echo "内网访问地址: https://${LOCAL_IP}:${panelPort}${adminpath}"
  806. echo -e "username: admin"
  807. echo -e "password: $password"
  808. echo -e "\033[33mIf you cannot access the Monitor,\033[0m"
  809. echo -e "\033[33mrelease the following Monitor port [${panelPort}] in the security group\033[0m"
  810. echo -e "\033[33m若无法访问堡塔云监控主控端,请检查防火墙/安全组是否有放行[${panelPort}]端口\033[0m"
  811. echo -e "=================================================================="
  812. endTime=`date +%s`
  813. ((outTime=($endTime-$startTime)/60))
  814. echo -e "Time consumed:\033[32m $outTime \033[0mMinute!"