import { FiledNames } from '@/global'
type TreeKey = string | number;
type TreeNode<T> = { [key in keyof T]: T[keyof T]; } & { key: TreeKey; id?: TreeKey; children?: TreeNode<T>[]; };
export function getTreeCheckedStatus<T>(tree: TreeNode<T>[], selectKeys: TreeKey[]): { checked: TreeKey[], halfChecked: TreeKey[] } { const checked: TreeKey[] = [] const halfChecked: TreeKey[] = []
if (!tree || tree.length === 0) return { checked, halfChecked } if (!selectKeys || selectKeys.length === 0) return { checked, halfChecked }
// 辅助函数来递归地检查每个节点
function checkNode(node: TreeNode<T>, ancestors: TreeKey[]): void { const key = node.key ?? node.id const isLeaf = !node.children || node.children.length === 0 const isSelected = selectKeys.includes(key)
// 如果是叶节点并且被选中,则直接加入到checked数组
if (isLeaf && isSelected) { checked.push(key) // 标记所有祖先为半选状态,除非它们已经被完全选中
ancestors.forEach(ancestorKey => { if (!halfChecked.includes(ancestorKey) && !checked.includes(ancestorKey)) { halfChecked.push(ancestorKey) } }) return }
// 非叶节点,递归检查其子节点
if (node.children) { const childAncestors = [ ...ancestors, key ] node.children.forEach(child => checkNode(child, childAncestors))
// 检查当前节点的所有子节点是否全部或部分被选中
const childSelectedCount = node.children.filter(child => checked.includes(child.key ?? child.id)).length if (childSelectedCount === node.children.length) { // 如果所有子节点都被选中,将当前节点标为全选
checked.push(key) } else if (childSelectedCount > 0) { // 如果部分子节点被选中,将当前节点标为半选
halfChecked.push(key) } } }
// 遍历每一个根节点
tree.forEach(node => checkNode(node, [])) return { checked, halfChecked } }
export function findValuePath<T>(tree: TreeNode<T>[], targetValue: string | number, filedNames?: FiledNames): (string | number)[] | null {
const f = { key: filedNames?.key ?? 'key', title: filedNames?.title ?? 'title', children: filedNames?.children ?? 'children', }
const findPathRecursive = (node: TreeNode<T>, pathSoFar: (string | number)[]): (string | number)[] | null => { if (node[f.key] === targetValue) { return [ ...pathSoFar, node[f.key] ] }
if (node[f.children]) { for (const child of node[f.children]) { const result = findPathRecursive(child, [ ...pathSoFar, node[f.key] ]) if (result !== null) { return result } } }
return null }
for (const root of tree) { const result = findPathRecursive(root, []) if (result !== null) { return result } }
return null // 如果未找到目标值,则返回null
//将tree中指定key的string json转为json
export function treeStringToJson<T>(tree: TreeNode<T>[], key: string): TreeNode<T>[] { return tree.map(node => { const children = node.children ? treeStringToJson(node.children, key) : undefined return { ...node, [key]: node[key] ? JSON.parse(node[key] as string) : undefined, children, } }) }
//遍历tree, 对每个节点执行fn
export function traverseTree<T>(tree: TreeNode<T>[], fn: (node: TreeNode<T>) => void, filedNames?: FiledNames): void { const { children = 'children' } = filedNames ?? { children: 'children' } const did = (node: TreeNode<T>) => { fn(node) if (node[children]) { node[children].forEach(did) } } tree.forEach(did) }
//遍历tree, 对每个节点执行fn, 返回新的tree
export function mapTree<T, R>(tree: TreeNode<T>[], fn: (node: TreeNode<T>) => R, filedNames?: FiledNames): TreeNode<R>[] { const { children = 'children' } = filedNames ?? { children: 'children' } const did = (node: TreeNode<T>): TreeNode<R> => { const newNode = fn(node) if (node[children]) { newNode[children] = node[children].map(did) } return newNode as TreeNode<R> } return tree.map(did) }